Taylor’d Safety Services has been working alongside Morley Hoppner for almost 20 years to ensure our firm remains an industry leader for the health and safety of our workers and that of our subcontractors.
James has worked proactively to ensure our health and safety program meets and or exceeds the Ministry of Labour’s guidelines. He conducts all formal training for our staff to ensure all workers are compliant and receive the necessary training to work safely on our construction sites.
We are pleased with our safety program, site specific safety program and resulting safety record. We have not incurred a lost time injury since our company’s inception in 1988.
We will continue our pursuit of hazard free inspections for every site and Corporate Compliance Consulting will greatly assist our firm in reaching this goal.
Mr. Brian Morley
“Since hiring Taylor’d Safety Services as our Safety Consultant, our on-site safety has improved 10 fold. Their attention to our needs and their strict adherence to the MOL regulations has improved our on-site safety, and also reduced our on-site MOL infraction to almost nothing. The team at Taylor'd Safety Services is always there when there is a safety concern and we are well on our way to Zero infractions. Thanks Taylor'd safety”
Mike Ellwood
“Taylor'd Safety Services has been our partner in evolving the health and safety culture and program at MBC for over 15 years.
They consistently brings a no-nonsense, safety first attitude that resonates with our team. With their help, we continue to strive to achieve our safety goal of zero accidents.”
Paul McDonald